Newlyn Male Choir

Members Gave Their Time

Although Walter Barnes (conductor of the Penzanze Orchestral Society) conducted the Choir in 1934, he passed over the baton to John Morgan Hosking who continued until 1949.


To the gentleman, past and present. of Newlyn Male Choir

On Newlyn Hill by Crosbie Garstin

Ivan Ball, a member of the Cattran family of Newlyn, wrote a nice little book called Buccas' Song! - a short History of the Newlyn Male Choir.


A tribute to Ivan Balls, a Member of the Cattran family of Newlyn. Copyright - The Cornishman newspaper.

This tribute to Ivan Balls, can be viewed in pdf format with Adobe Acrobat Reader.


This site is set up to promote the Penzance Orchestral Society and not for profit © 2007/15